Th Greek Letter

The Greek Letter written

The Greek alphabet is one of the oldest alphabets in the world. It was developed from the Semitic alphabet of the Phoenicians. The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters and is considered the ancestor to most modern European alphabets. The Latin alphabet used in English—and many other languages—is derived from the Greek alphabet through Etruscan and with later alterations, such as the addition of the letter W .

The first letter of the Greek alphabet is Alpha (άλφα). Alpha is written as A in uppercase and α in lowercase. Alpha symbol is used to denote many things including absorption factor, area, angles and coefficients .

Beta (βήτα) is the second letter of the Greek alphabet. Beta is written as B in uppercase and β in lowercase. Beta symbol is used to denote many things including coefficients, angles and phase shifts .

Gamma (γάμμα) is the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Gamma is written as Γ in uppercase and γ in lowercase. Gamma symbol is used to denote many things including magnetic permeability, specific gravity and propagation constant .

Delta (δέλτα) is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. Delta is written as Δ in uppercase and δ in lowercase. Delta symbol is used to denote many things including change or difference .

Epsilon (έψιλον) is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet. Epsilon is written as E in uppercase and ε in lowercase. Epsilon symbol is used to denote many things including permittivity, elasticity and strain .

Zeta (ζήτα) is the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet. Zeta is written as Z in uppercase and ζ in lowercase. Zeta symbol is used to denote many things including damping ratio, Riemann zeta function and surface charge density .

Eta (ήτα) is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet. Eta is written as H in uppercase and η in lowercase. Eta symbol is used to denote many things including efficiency, viscosity and hertz .

Theta (θήτα) is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. Theta is written as Θ in uppercase and θ in lowercase. Theta symbol is used to denote many things including temperature, angle and time constant .

Iota (ιώτα) is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. Iota is written as I in uppercase and ι in lowercase. Iota symbol is used to denote many things including current density, moment of inertia and imaginary unit .

Kappa (κάππα) is the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet. Kappa is written as K in uppercase and κ in lowercase. Kappa symbol is used to denote many things including thermal conductivity, curvature and spring constant .

Lambda (λάμδα) is the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet. Lambda is written as Λ in uppercase and λ in lowercase. Lambda symbol is used to denote many things including wavelength, attenuation constant and eigenvalue .

Mu (μυ) is the twelfth letter of the Greek alphabet. Mu is written as M in uppercase and μ in lowercase. Mu symbol is used to denote many things including permeability, magnetic moment and friction coefficient .

Nu (νυ) is the thirteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. Nu is written as N in uppercase and ν in lowercase. Nu symbol is used to denote many things including frequency, refractive index and Poisson's ratio .

Xi (ξι) 14th letter of greek alphabets . Xi written as X or Ξ . Xi symbol denotes many things including correlation coefficient , wave vector , or a complex number .

Omicron (όμικρον)is the fifteenth letter of greek alphabets . Omicron written as O or Ο . Omicron symbol denotes small o.

Pi (πι)is sixteenth

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