Sunday Brunch is a popular British television show that airs every Sunday on Channel 4 at 9.30am. The show is hosted by Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer, who are joined by celebrity guests each week. The guests are usually from the entertainment industry and include actors, musicians, comedians, and other famous personalities.
According to the Manchester Evening News, on May 8th 2022, the guests on Sunday Brunch were music superstar Boy George and radio presenter Sara Cox. Sara Cox was promoting her debut novel Thrown which was released on May 12th.
I hope this information helps you with your blog article. Here are some websites that discuss Who Is On Sunday Brunch Today:
- [Manchester Evening News](
- [Sunday Brunch - Home - Facebook](
- [Sunday Brunch Channel 4 Com Today Recipes - Share Recipes](
- [Best Sunday Brunch Near Me - Yelp](
- [Best Brunch Near Me - June 2023: Find Nearby Brunch Reviews - Yelp](
- [Best Brunch Restaurants Near Me - June 2023: Find Nearby Brunch ... - Yelp](
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