Who Is Still Together From Mafs 2023

Who Is Still Together From Mafs 2023

Married at First Sight (MAFS) is a reality TV show that has been running for many years now. It is a show where people who have never met before are matched by experts and then get married on their first meeting. The show has been a hit with audiences all over the world and has produced many successful couples.

The latest season of MAFS was aired in 2023 and it was no different from the previous seasons. The show had its fair share of drama, romance, and heartbreak. Many couples were matched by the experts but not all of them made it to the end.

Here is a list of couples who are still together from MAFS 2023:

- Erin Bateman and Bryce Mohr (season 2)
- Cam Merchant and Jules Robinson (season 6)
- Martha Kalifatidis and Michael Brunelli (season 6)
- Bryce Ruthven and Melissa Rawson (season 8)
- Kerry Knight and Johnny Balbuziente (season 8)

It is worth noting that Tahnee and Ollie are also still together from MAFS 2023 .

I hope this article helps you. Here are some website addresses that discuss Who Is Still Together From Mafs 2023:

1. https://thebrag.com/mafs-2023-couples-still-together/
2. https://www.heart.co.uk/showbiz/tv-movies/married-at-first-sight-australia-2023-couples-still-together/
3. https://www.mamamia.com.au/mafs-2023-cast-reunion/
4. https://screenrant.com/married-at-first-sight-couples-together-2023-update/
5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/married-at-first-sight-which-couples-are-still-together-in-2023/ar-AA16BvC2

Let me know if you need anything else.

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