Zane Robertson is a two-time Kiwi Olympian who has been banned from sport for eight years for doping and interfering with the testing process . He is a middle- and long-distance runner who competed at the Rio and Tokyo Olympics .
The Sports Tribunal of New Zealand announced that Robertson failed a drug test and tampered with the doping control process . The ban was announced on March 22, 2023 .
Doping is the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. It is illegal and unethical. Doping can cause serious health problems and can lead to disqualification from sports events.
In conclusion, Zane Robertson has been banned from sport for eight years for doping and interfering with the testing process. Doping is illegal and unethical. It can cause serious health problems and can lead to disqualification from sports events.
Here are some websites that discuss Two-time Kiwi Olympian Zane Robertson, Has Been Banned From Sport For Eight Years For Doping. Which Sport Was He Involved In?:
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