Who Is Replacing David Koch On Sunrise
David Koch has left Sunrise after co-hosting the breakfast show for 21 years. His co-hosts, the Seven team, and even Dame Julie Andrews gave him an emotional farewell . Everyone wondered who would replace him. And Kochie along with his co-host Natalie Barr have just announced live on air that former Olympian Matt Shirvington will take over Kochie's role .
Matt Shirvington is a former Australian sprinter who represented Australia at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. He was also a commentator for Seven's coverage of the Tokyo Olympics .
Here are some website addresses that discuss Who Is Replacing David Koch On Sunrise:
- https://www.newidea.com.au/kochie-sunrise-replacement
- https://www.ghgossip.com/who-is-replacing-david-koch-on-sunrise/
- https://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/athletics-great-matt-shirvington-tipped-to-replace-david-kochie-koch-as-sunrise-host-c-10815085
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